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সাম্প্রতিক কর্মকাণ্ড

ক্রমিক নং

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ  প্রকল্প সমূহ




বাংলাদেশের ৬৪টি জেলা সদরে  চীম   জুডিসিয়াল ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট আদালত ভবন  নির্মাণ   তন্মধ্যে খুলনায় একটি।


Khulna RAB-6 নির্মাণ কাজ


পুলিশ বিভাগের ১০ টি পুলিশ সুপারের কার্যালয়ে নির্মাণ শীর্ষক প্রকল্পের আওতায় খুলনা জেলা পুলিশ সুপারের কার্যালয় নির্মাণ কাজ


 Construction of Daulatpur Thana 6-Storied Building with 8-Storied Foundation in/c Civil, Internal Sanitary & water supply, Internal Electrification, External Electrification and other ancillary wark under the project of Construction of 101 Dilapidated Thana Building in Type Plan for Police Department at Khulna Metropolitan Area.


Extension of Shahid Sheikh Abu Naser Specialized Hospital


Vertical Extension of 2nd & 3rd floor of A-Block Academic building at Khulna Medical College Hospital, Khulna.


 Construction of Nurses Dormitory and Staff Dormitory at Khulna Medical College Hospital, Khulna.


Construction of boundary wall and internal road & Bunker at Khulna Medical College, Khulna.


Up-gradation & Renovation of District Hospital at Khulna (Sub Head: Construction of 6 (six) storied Hospital Building with 12 (twelve) storied Foundation with single Basement in/c Civil, Internal Sanitary & water supply, Internal Electrification, Boundary wall, Appproach & commpound road, External sanitary and water supply, Under ground water reservoir with pump house, Deep Tube well, water distribution & sewerage line, Compound drain, Site improvement works etc).


Construction of Civil Surgeon Residence 2 (tow) Storied Building with 2 (two) Storied Foundation) and Civil Surgeon Office 4 (four) Storied Building with 6 (six) Storied foundation) including internal Sanitary & water supply works, internal electrification and other ancillary works at Khulna.


Construction of Divisional and Zilla Shilpakala Academies, One at Khulna (Sub-Head: Construction of Auditorium Building, Open Theater, Administrative Building and RCC Retaining wall)


খুলনা বিভাগীয় কমিশনারের নতুন কার্যালয় ভবন এবং অডিটরিয়াম নির্মা


খুলনা জেলার দিঘলিয়া উপজেলায় কারিগরী প্রশিণ কেন্দ্র নির্মাণ কাজ


 Construction of Model Mosque and Islamic cultural centre at Alia Madrasha Khulna 4-Storied Building with 4-Storied Foundation in/c Internal Sanitary and water supply, internal Electrification works, Internal road, Boundary wall, Under Ground reservoir, Deep tubewell, Solar Panel System and Other Ancillary works under Each Zilla and pazilla 560 Model Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre Project


Construction of 4-Storied Upazilla  Mosque complex with 4-Storied foundation at plain land for Islamic Foundation of Divisional Commissioner Khulna Under the Project of 560 Model Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre Project in Zilla and Upazila of Bangladesh.


Construction of 3-Storied Upazilla  Mosque complex with 3-Storied foundation at plain land for Islamic Foundation of Rupsha Upazilla Khulna Under the Project of 560 Model Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre Project


Construction of 3-Storied Upazilla  Mosque complex with 3-Storied foundation at plain land for Islamic Foundation of Terokhada upazilla Khulna Under the Project of 560 Model Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre Project


Construction of 3-Storied Upazilla  Mosque complex with 3-Storied foundation at plain land for Islamic Foundation of Fultala Upazilla Khulna Under the Project of 560 Model Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre Project in Zilla and Upazila of Bangladesh.


Construction of 3-Storied Upazilla  Mosque complex with 3-Storied foundation at plain land for Islamic Foundation of Digholia Upazilla Khulna Under the Project of 560 Model Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre Project in Zilla and Upazila of Bangladesh.


 Farmers Training Centre at Upazila Level for Transfer of Technology (3rd Phase) at Fultala Khulna.


Farmers Training Centre at Upazila Level for Transfer of Technology (3rd Phase) at Rupsha Khulna.


Farmers Training Centre at Upazila Level for Transfer of Technology (3rd Phase) at Terokhada Khulna.